Knowledge is never useless. Some people may think it is, but the know-er always knows a way in which to use their knowledge. No use knowledge a know-er has is still good to know, y'know? Sorry. I'm done. I think I just gave myself dyslexia a little bit there. I've had a fever lately, so please pardon my incoherence.
Alec Thomson, if you read this, I find the title of this topic insulting to people who only know useless things. Discrimination!
Things that I know that seem to be useless to others:
-Entire plots and lyrics to a few musicals: I can tell you about the origin and development of their books and lyrics, who played what character and when, major changes that were made and can probably sing 9/10 songs from the musical for you. Musicals I can talk your ear off about include Spring Awakening, Cabaret, Wicked, Dream Girls, Book of Mormon, Chicago and Hairspray. I will likely recite the wikipedia page for you, word-for-word. Please do not get me started.
-Pokemon Red/Blue, Gold/Silver and Crystal: I can name you almost every pokemon, tell you what attack does the most damage, and name what can be found in each town. Do not ask me about yellow (I got frustrated and couldn't defeat Brock at the first gym so I just went back to playing Red with my level 64 Charizard [fun fact! I have a rat named Charmander. He doesn't like me very much and poos a lot. He does enjoy eating cheetos, though]) or any of the newer versions (I found the DS quite frustrating and too heavy. I didn't really like the touch screen... Pokemon made up my childhood and I can still remember where you can find each pokemon and who would win in a battle.
-Mental Problems: I find psychology fascinating, especially abnormal psychology. I have probably read ten memoirs about people spending time in mental hospitals. I can tell you the symptoms of almost any mental illness. I can talk about eating disorders, causes and treatment for hours. I can tell you how to detect suicidal behaviour and how to talk to someone who is suffering from anxiety, depression, etc. People may find this morbid but I find problems in peoples' minds fascinating. This may be due to the fact that my family is great to study (I have odd relatives).
-Canada's Food Guide
-Piercings: if you have a question about getting a piercing somewhere, where to go, how to clean it, how big your earring needs to be, or what the names for piercings in awkward places are called (helix, tragus, anti-helix, conch...), talk to me.
Well, that probably bored you! If it didn't, I don't have a summer job and have nothing to do, so I have a LOT of time to answer any questions you may have!
P.S. I also know quite a bit about cake decorating, baking, movies, fiction books, and the Hamilton Public Library system. I also know a lot about grantmaking in non-profit organizations.
P.P.S. I also know what PS means.
P.P.P.S. Bye.
-Cabaret is excellent.
ReplyDelete-I happen to be one of those people who knows only useless things. Therefore my own topic is offensive to me.
-HeartGold is the best Pokemon game to date. (Black and White were over too fast, though the plot was probably the darkest and most enjoyable of the bunch)