Sunday, August 21, 2011

Theory and Practice (practisssssss if you're a snake)

     This essay topic, like many of the others' I've written, is a tough decision for me to make. Being lazy, I'm compelled to say that I like theory more because it doesn't actually involve me doing anything. However, it can be fun to get a little messy every now and then. Reading a cookbook won't put tasty treats in your mouth, and it's one thing to learn about projectile motion and quite another to chuck a watermelon from a moving vehicle. This being said, though, I suppose there are certain things I really don't want to experience for myself, such as spontaneous human combustion or lead poisoning. I would also rather not have to experience a prostate exam if that can be avoided.
     I guess it really just depends on the circumstances and the person. I personally do not want to experience swallowing swords of fire, but some people do. This doesn't mean I'm not interested, it just means I'd rather learn from the safety of my home, thankyaverymuch.
     There are also certain circumstances in which it is impossible to practice and therefore only theory is possible.Travelling at the speed of light, that thing where they put the one twin in space and leave the other on earth to become old so his brother can laugh at him when he comes back as a twenty year old, and cleaning my room are all examples of this. These situations are hypothetically possible, but current circumstances prevent you.
     Some other things fall in the grey area of practicing theories. Math is an example of this: numbers are a human invention, but you can do mathematical equations and model tangible situations, like population growth and motion. Is practicing a theory not a concept that makes anyone else's head hurt?
   To be honest, I'm not sure I have enough experience with theories or practice to be writing this essay. So, that's all I have to say. I'm also fairly certain the children I'm babysitting are about to go Lord of the Flies up in here, so I shall leave on a quick note of things that I would never like to experience but would be interested to learn about.

-Forms of medieval torture
-Snakebites and their treatments
-Celiac disease
-Licking the muffler of a moving car
-milking a snake
-being baked into a pie (on the magic school bus!)
-being addicted to heroin
being a heron
and being used as a cheese grater (I have some sort of repulsion with cheese).

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